Nutritional information
Additional info
Product of Thailand
Safcol Responsibly Fished Tuna In Spring Water 425g
Source of Protein
Safcol Responsibly Fished Tuna in Springwater has 99% fat free.

Energy, 328.00kJ
Protein, 17.70g
Fat Total, 0.70g
– Saturated, 0.30g
Carbohydrate, <0.10g
– Sugars, <0.10g
Sodium, 120.00mg
FAD Free caught Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) (64%), Springwater (36%).
To protect marine life, our tuna is responsibly sourced, caught without the use of fish aggregating devices (FADs). This significantly reduces bycatch as FADS attract many sea creatures which get caught with the tuna and is detrimental to the health of our oceans.
Learn more at www.safcol.com.au
- Good source of Omega 3.
- Good source of Protein.
- No artificial colours or preservatives.