Herbs of Gold


Digestive Support

$26.50 $34.90you save $8.40

Herbs of Gold Digest-Zymes contains 6 vegetarian-friendly digestive enzymes to support healthy digestion.


Digestive support

Digest-Zymes assists the digestion of proteins, fats and
carbohydrates, including fibre and lactose. It contains
microbial-derived enzymes amylase, protease, tilactase (lactase) and

Digest-Zymes contains enzymes that are highly stable and active
throughout a wide pH range. This makes them more active and functional
for a longer distance through the digestive tract, when compared to
pancreatic enzymes.

Digest-Zymes contains protease to assist the digestion of proteins.

Digest-Zymes contains amylase to assist the digestion of carbohydrates and cellulose to help breakdown fibre.

Digest-Zymes contains lipase to assist the digestion of fats.

Digest-Zymes contains bromelains, proteolytic enzymes derived from pineapples, to assist the digestion of protein.

Digest-Zymes contains lactase to assist the digestion of lactose, the primary sugar found in dairy products.

Digest-Zymes contains Gentian, a herb traditionally used in Western
herbal medicine as a bitter tonic and to relieve symptoms of
indigestion, including abdominal pain, bloating and feelings of

Gentian is traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to improve
digestive weakness, promote bile flow from the gall bladder and support
healthy digestive function.



Adults and children over 12 years - Take 1 capsule, three times a day, before each meal, or as directed by your health professional.

Children under 12 years - Take only as directed by your health professional.


Always read the label and follow the directions for use.
May contain benzoates.

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